From July 12th at 1.00 pm to July 13th at 1.00 pm
SciNMeet - Launch Event
SciNMeet program launch event 12-13 July in Rome with the presence of representatives of partner institutions
Cnr Headquarters and online
On 12 and 13 July, the CNR in Rome will host the launch event of the SciNMeet programme, which addresses the main challenges of the Mediterranean and related scientific gaps, to reverse the decline in the health of the sea.
On Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 July in Rome, at the Aula Convegni of the National Research Council (Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7, entrance Via dei Marrucini), the launch event of the program “Science We Need for the Mediterranean Sea We Want (SciNMeet)” will take place, which addresses the main challenges of the Mediterranean and related scientific gaps, to reverse the decline in the health of the sea.
The oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, yet we still know little about the seabed and its biodiversity. Furthermore, sectors such as fishing, tourism, transport, energy production from marine resources are rapidly growing, making it necessary to develop a sea economy through new technologies.
Hence the need to fill the knowledge gap at a global level involving the scientific community, first of all, but also politics, industry and the entire civil society. “SciNMeet” aims to understand and manage the impacts of climate change, pollution, and overexploitation of marine resources.
The program addresses the seven results of the Ocean Decade, contributing to the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 2030. After the introductory plenary session, seven technical Task Teams will work together to address the issues of climate change, marine pollution, marine risks, ocean literacy and education, ocean observation and forecasting, access to data and information, and knowledge transfer, sharing the results of the work with the public.
The event is organized by the Italian Oceanographic Commission (Coi) composed, among others, of the Cnr, together with the Secretariat of the United Nations Mediterranean Action Plan (Unep/Map), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean of the FAO (GFCM/Fao).
Organizational contact:
Rosalia Santoleri
Coi president
Access method: free entry
It will be possible to participate in the work remotely. Streaming