
Manifesto of the Mediterranean Sea Decade

Through this manifesto we invite institutions, public and private companies and citizens to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Mediterranean Sea Decade: scientific research, sustainability, environmental protection and collaboration between sectors.

Manifesto towards the ocean we need for the future we want


like Onoro (Honor)

I am committed to safeguarding the Ocean and marine biodiversity. I demand a healthy and resilient ocean where marine ecosystems are mapped and protected.
I am committed to honoring it also with my food choices, so that it is used sustainably to ensure the food supply.


like Contributing

I am committed to safeguarding the Ocean and marine biodiversity. I demand a healthy and resilient ocean where marine ecosystems are mapped and protected.
I am committed to honoring it also with my food choices, so that it is used sustainably to ensure the food supply.

like Education

I am committed to promoting specific projects for ocean education in all schools to communicate the role and importance of the sea for life on our planet. I educate everyone to the knowledge and respect of nature, I support scientific research, technological innovation in marine research and the blue economy to arrive at concrete solutions.

like Accessible

I demand a transparent ocean with open access to data, information and technology. A clean ocean where pollution sources are identified and eliminated. A safe ocean where people are protected from tsunamis, storms and other extreme events.

like Noi siamo Oceano ( We are the Ocean)

I am committed to contributing to the creation of working groups on specific issues for Italy and to promote – with strong collaboration between different sectors of society – the role of our country as a driving force of the Mediterranean for the challenges of the Decade of the Sea. I am also committed to encouraging the birth of a generation of communicators and networks of professionals in the field of technology and innovation, oriented towards promoting the blue economy and the protection of the ocean.

like Onda (Wave)

I pledge to become part of the Ocean Generation, a generation that is fully aware of the importance of the ocean to our planet, to our health, to our future, AND to give voice, like a wave, to the importance of the ocean: to make known its wonders, its problems and their solutions.


Sign the Manifesto

Join the 1313 private citizens who have already signed the Manifesto and pledge your commitment to start applying these principles in your daily life.


Privato cittadino

Are you an institution or a company?

New memberships require a variable waiting time for verification and approval.
*Adherence to the Manifesto does not authorize the use of the logo of the Decade of Marine Sciences for Sustainable Development and of IOC-UNESCO, nor does it imply the beginning of a collaboration between the parties.


1313 Signatures till now