Lessons for the Planet - The Future of Glaciers

The environment seen through art: a lesson by artist Anne de Carbuccia to understand how and why glaciers are changing.

Derek Oyen - Unsplash - Decennio del Mare
Activity duration
20 minutes
Italian and English
Target Age
12-16 years, +16 years

A digital lesson, available in Italian and English, created by artist Anne de Carbuccia for One Planet One Future to show how much the glaciers have changed and how Anne’s art has evolved with them. Scientists are talking about a point of no return. We need a new individual and collective approach to save them, but we already know what we need to do.

“The survival of ALL of us everywhere we live on this planet, depends on our glaciers, Find out why!”

Anne de Carbuccia, One Planet One Future

Instructions for use

A digital lesson to be used in the classroom or in the office to illustrate and explain how and why glaciers are changing, and to understand how their change impacts our existence on the planet and the life of thousands of organisms.

The English version is an ideal material to develop for joint work between English, science, art and geography teachers.


The future of glaciers


Cognitive learning objectives:

  • The student understands the connection between melting glaciers and climate change.
  • The student understands the connection between the environment, culture and society.
  • The student understands the connection between melting glaciers and rising sea levels.
  • The student understands what solutions we can adopt on a daily basis to address the problem.

Social-emotional learning goals:

  • The student perceives the deep connection between the ocean, the cryosphere, climate change and everyday actions.
  • The student invites others to become aware of the challenges that the ocean and cryosphere are facing and to take action to find solutions.
  • The student perceives the value and impact of his or her actions and decisions for the ocean and glaciers.

Behavioral learning objectives:

  • The student is encouraged to learn more about the impact their actions have on glaciers.
  • The student will involve and invite others to take action, becoming an ambassador for the ocean.
  • The student will participate in Ocean Education initiatives, promoting new ones.

UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Approaches

Geographical perspective, value perspective, cultural perspective, artistic perspective.

Connection between subjects

Civics, art, geography, science, anthropology.

Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 14 “Life Below Water”
  • SDG 4 “Quality Education”
  • SDG 12 “Sustainable Consumption and Production”
  • SDG 13 “Climate Action”

Connection to Ocean Education Principles:

  • Principle 3 “The ocean has a major influence on climate and weather”
  • Principle 5 “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems”
  • Principle 6 “The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected”

Links to bibliographic material:

One Planet One Future: https://oneplanetonefuture.org/it/lezioni/

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